Easter Sunday is a wonderful day of celebration for believers as we remember the victory our Savior won over death, hell and the grave. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is a glorious event that demonstrates His authority and empowers our hope. Paul emphasized the importance of the resurrection when he reminded the believers at Corinth that: “…if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” (1 Cor. 15:17)

Here are seven daily meditations that will help every believer reflect upon the meaning and significance of our Savior’s resurrection as we anticipate Easter Sunday:


Monday: The Humility of our Savior – Philippians 2:5-8

Jesus was God in Human flesh. Of all the sacrifices our Savior made while pursuing His mission to redeem mankind, nothing compares with his willingness to be “made in the likeness of men.” He came to live among men so that he could take upon himself the sins of men in order to redeem men.

Tuesday: The Compassion of our Savior – Luke 19:28-44

From the time Jesus arrived on this earth His destination was Jerusalem, His purpose the cross, and His goal the resurrection. Why would he do such a thing? Jesus loved all men, including those who would reject and crucify Him.

Wednesday: The Agony of our Savior – Luke 22:39-46

This passage is, without question, the most sacred view in scripture of our Savior’s communion with His heavenly Father. The word “agony” in this passage signifies a severe mental and emotional struggle. No sincere believer will be able to read this account without being moved spiritually.

Thursday: The Betrayal of our Savior – Luke 22:47-53

Judas, the disciple to whom Jesus referred as “a devil” (Joh. 6:70) betrayed his Master with a kiss. The irony is absolutely incredible. A kiss is a sign of affection, yet Judas used one to complete his treacherous act of disloyalty.

Friday: The Suffering of our Savior – Luke 22:54-23:31

The events that that occurred as Jesus was arrested, tried, and crucified top the scale in terms of human torture, shame and disgrace. It’s hard to read and even harder to take in when we realize that we deserve what Jesus endured.

Saturday: The Forgiveness of our Savior – Luke 23:32-43

It’s difficult to imagine that there could be no resentment or desire for revenge in the heart of Jesus after what He had endured. Yet His prayer was for the forgiveness of those who were responsible for His suffering. While His prayer indicated that forgiveness had, indeed, been granted, more is required. Forgiveness is only received when those who need it choose to accept it.

Sunday: The Victory of our Savior – Luke 24:1-12

Jesus had been crucified and His body placed in a borrowed tomb. His disciples had scattered and assumed that their dream had been destroyed. On the first day of the week some of his most devout followers made their way to the grave to anoint the body of Jesus. Imagine their confusion when they found the stone moved aside and the grave empty. Now imagine their joy when they learned that their Master, their Teacher, their Healer was actually their Savior.

May we, as believers, approach this most significant celebration of our faith with the respect and dignity it deserves. I pray that when you wake up next Sunday morning you will do so with joy as you rejoice in the fact that you serve a living Savior. He is, indeed, “risen” from the dead!

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1 Response

  1. Mary Anne Douglas says:

    Another wonderful reminder that “It is finished.” I’m so thankful we have a living Saviour that loved us so much to endure that agony so we could be reconciled back to the Father. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, for His great love, mercy and grace that none of us deserve but given that “whosoever will” can come and enjoy the marvelous gift of salvation. Hallelujah,
    What a Saviour

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