Author: twhyman


Overcoming Temptation: A Matter of Choice

A little boy had been compelled (unwillingly) to go grocery shopping with his mother. (What an exciting way to spend an afternoon.) While she was busy gathering the broccoli and cabbage he entertained himself by drooling over the sweets in the aisle where the bulk candy was offered. Those jelly beans looked so good. It would only take a second...

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Salvation’s Greatest Benefit

“Let me ask you a question: If you were to die right now, do you know for certain that you would go to heaven?” That’s how I began my “salvation sales pitch” for well over thirty-five years. In my mind, it was the greatest motivation I could imagine to convince a person of their need for the Savior. Reminding them that...

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Tolerating Tolerance

Tolerance is a celebrated, politically correct concept in our society. It is promoted as the means to attaining a civilization free of bigotry. In fact, the word is officially defined in that way. Those who so aggressively promote it warn that intolerance is the greatest danger we face. But is it actually possible to have a society that is totally free...

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The Treachery of an Undisciplined Heart

Lot made a choice – and lost his family. Esau made a choice – and lost his inheritance. David made a choice – and lost his legacy. How much confidence are you willing to place in the feelings and attitudes found in your heart? Many people elect to trust the instincts of their heart without reservation, often making critical choices...

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Following the Savior’s Example

I recently watched a CNN video of a reporter who visited a flower shop in Georgia to discuss their willingness to provide and deliver flowers for a gay wedding. He was actually there to confront the Christian owners about their “discrimination” against the LGBT segment of our society. While the answers given by the florist clearly reflected the traditional, Christian...

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Thoughts on the Resurrection of Christ

What comes to mind when you meditate on the resurrection of Christ? Often the first emotion for a believer is gratitude. Because Jesus arose from the dead we have eternal hope. Our future is secure, not because of anything we have done, but because of the price our Savior paid and the victory He won over death, Hell and the...

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Dealing with Offense

A woman on a recent Air India flight reported that she had been insulted by the on-board entertainment unit attached to the seat back in front of her. She was having trouble navigating the numerous buttons and switches which operated the system and was unable to access the movie she intended to watch. The offense occurred when the unit responded by...

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Yogi Berra, Open Doors, and the Will of God

Yogi Berra is one of my favorite baseball “characters.” He played catcher for the New York Yankees from 1946 to 1965, winning all-star honors for 15 years consecutively.  Later he led both the Yankees and their crosstown rivals, the Mets, to league titles.  His athletic accomplishments, however, were easily overshadowed by his quirky personality. He had a unique ability to...

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Go Forward

Obstacles come in many shapes and sizes, and always seem to appear at the most inopportune times. It may be a traffic jam that delays you, an unexpected circumstance that causes frustration, or an interruption that keeps you from getting an important project finished. One thing, however, is certain: to accomplish your goals and fulfill your responsibilities, you must get...

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Character: Why it matters!

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16 Defining character is difficult. The dictionary states that character is that combination of intangible qualities that distinguish us as individuals. Moral and ethical strength are often mentioned as specific attributes. While scripture never uses the word “character,” the...

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